Effective Teaching Strategies #101

Every child is unique and comes with unique learning capabilities. The difference in abilities and personalities pose a great challenge for teachers to teach budding learners with different learning and adapting skills. Being a good teacher, therefore, requires the right balance of creativity and innovation to meet individual child’s needs.

Experience in the field has no relevance in identifying the teaching strategies that can effectively work for every individual child. This is where effective teaching techniques come into the picture, where teachers can encourage students to learn in the best way they can learn new things and concepts.

1. Visual Learning

Encourage the experiential learning and bring redundant academic concepts to real life. Avoid playing with theories, practical classes encourage students to participate more in the classes. Practical lessons also allow learners to understand how theories apply in the real world. Teachers can use interactive whiteboards to make the classes more exciting.

2. Cooperative Learning

Students learn faster when they enjoy the activities they are into. Teachers should engage students in cooperative activities that allow a learner to participate in a group. This motivates them to come to the front and express themselves, giving a boost to their confidence. Group activities also encourage a learner to listen to others thus helping them be an active listener.

3. Conversation starters

When does a conversation start? When someone has a question and the other one has the answer. Teachers should pose thought-provoking queries to the learners, aiding them to be an independent thinker. Allowing students to think increases their perspectives about a problem or situation and gain a deeper understanding of the topic in discussion. This technique is important to gain significant life skills that can help a student to learn outside the periphery of academics learning. 

4. Technology-ridden classrooms

Technology is seeping across all domains, and the education sector is no different. Technology has brought amazing features in the traditional classrooms, for instance, interactive whiteboards or mobile screens are used to display live images and videos. This saves time that was required to manually create presentations and records. The internet enables campuses to help students to connect to a broader world and take inspiration from like-minded students.

5. Behavior Management

One rotten tomato can ruin the complete basket—the same is true for a classroom. Behavior management is a crucial process so as to earn respect and trust from students. This ensures all the students have equal chances for reaching their complete potential. Noisy classrooms can not lead to a learning environment. Teachers should layout ground rules and discipline to maintain during classroom sessions. 

Read More: https://rajeshdoulatrambhatia.blogspot.com/2020/02/play-learn-grow-in-playschool.html

According to the Rajesh Bhatia founder of Treehouse “Effective teaching can lead to well-educated students, who can effectively make a brighter future.”

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